On February 10, 2019, near Gørding, Denmark, Jean Stockholm and Doris Birch Mathiesen found a beautiful gold pendant with a coiled snake. https://sydvestjyskemuseer.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/page/2/ This beautiful pendant is small, only 25mm long, is incredibly decorated with a very small filigree. My replica is almost a 1:1 (27mm) The pendant was hung on a wire which was […]
Dear clients, Viking Family. I'm currently on the Viking Tour '25 until the end of September. Your order will be sent from the country where I'm now during the Festival or travel between Festivals. I will send you the shipping details after placing the order. See you in Scandinavia
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me by WhatsApp +353899405016 or nord.emporium@gmail.com